Souki is sixteen and an avid reader of manga. I love this because we have that in common =P She reads books less often, but I will change this! *shakes fist* I loved how different her answers were to S-EmeraldEyes despite that the two of them are oftentimes attached at the hip.
1. Is there a specific genre you gravitate towards?
Souki: I tend to lean toward genres involving mystery, dystopian, fantasy, urban fantasy, paranormal, and thriller. I don't mind a bit of romance between the characters but if the story strongly revolves around romance like contemporary romance then it holds no interest for me.
2. Do you prefer male or female protagonists?
Souki: Usually, people prefer reading through the viewpoint of characters that are the same gender as them because it is easier to relate but for me, I don't mind either as long as the story and protagonist is interesting.
3. Do you find yourself identifying with characters?
Souki: I find that when I read I try putting myself into the characters shoes to understand what they are going through. When a character resembles a certain trait or past experience similar to me then I feel that I can really relate and connect to them.
4. What are you tired of seeing in books?
Souki: I guess I'm tired of reading stories that have love triangles in them. It irritates me when there are two love interests and you never know which one the protagonist will end up with. And even if they do end up with one of them, you might get disappointed with the one they chose.
5. What do you want to see more of?
Souki: I would enjoy seeing more original and creative stories as well as in depth character development. I appreciate the character better when I can further understand them. Also, I look for stories that are not constantly reused or recycled and that are just completely different and unique.
6. What makes you want to pick up a book to read?
Souki: If the cover looks intriguing then I pick it up and read the summary. I think the summary is the most important part to pull in the reader and allow them to continue with the rest of its pages. Otherwise, if someone I know recommends a book to me then I check it out.
7. What's your favorite book you've read in the last 6 months?
Souki: My favorite book that I've read recently would be Across the Universe by Beth Revis. I'm really looking forward to reading the sequel!
Thanks so much to both of my girls for indulging me ♥
Here's another crop of a commission:

Have a great week, guys! ♥